What is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?
TCM is a health modality based on the energetic flow within the universe that each person carries with them. It is one of the oldest medical procedures in the world, originating in China over 3,000 years ago. It is an effective form of healthcare that has evolved into a complete, holistic medical system. TCM includes the practice of Acupuncture, Chinese Herbology, nutrition, and many more modalities to help millions of people become well and stay well.
TCM promotes natural healing. It can enhance recuperative power and immunity, support physical and emotional health, and improve overall function and well–being. TCM is a safe and effective way to treat a wide variety of medical problems.
What problems can be treated with TCM?
There are a wide variety of disorders, diseases, and ailments that can be treated with the use of Acupuncture. Including, Head/Ear/Eyes/Nose/Throat, Respiratory, Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal, Musculo-skeletal, Genito-urinary, Neurological, Dermal/Skin, Emotional, and Gynecological. As well as having a benefit of increased energy and immunity, decreased stress, weight loss, and addiction/smoking cessation.
How is TCM explained via Western Medicine?
Western Medical physicians are still learning how physiologically the body reacts to TCM. Although, studies show that it engages the central and peripheral nervous systems and initiates a sympathetic or parasympathetic response. TCM affects the stomach, intestines, and endocrine systems, which enables it to influence the sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides within the blood stream. It also activates the different brain centers, which is what enables Oriental Medicine to treat certain neurological disorders such as headaches, visual disturbances, and sleep disorders.
How can Acupuncture balance Qi and regain wellness?
Acupuncture points are specific points, usually along the Meridians, where Qi can be accessed. Each point is used in different ways depending on how Qi is disrupted. By placing fine needles in the body Qi is activated enabling the body to begin to heal itself. The acupuncture needles are inserted into points according to the patient’s individual condition, and by manipulating the needles, Qi can be moved and the body rebalanced.
Do the needles hurt?
Every patient has a different reaction to the needles. Occasionally, there is a slight pain that accompanies insertion, especially if the individual is uncommonly emotional or sensitive that particular day, but normally the needles are painless. After the needle is inserted, there may be a sensation of slight numbness, tingling, a dull ache, heat, cold, or heaviness in the area. This is normal and is called “De Qi,” or the arrival of Qi. It is a good sign and means that the treatment is working.
How deep do the needles go?
The depth of needle insertion depends on the area being needled and the size, age and condition of the patient. Typically, needles are inserted at depths ranging from 1/8” to 1 ½”
Are the needles clean?
All the needles are clean, sterile, and single-packaged for disposable use only.
What is Chinese Herbology?
The use of Chinese Herbs dates back over 3000 years. Chinese Herbology often incorporates ingredients from all parts of the plant (i.e leaf, stem, flower, root, etc…), as well as occasionally minerals and animal. Every Chinese Herb carries several specific functions, properties, and temperature, which combine to create a formula. There are several ingredients, which make up a formula. Some ingredients are targeted towards the main concern; others guide the energy of the formula to a specific part of the body, while some herbs increase the effectiveness of the formula by strengthening. Each prescription is specific and individual for each patient. It is based on the condition presented at the time of the visit.
How many treatments will I need?
This is always unique to the individual. Generally the longer a condition has been experienced, more treatments will be necessary to see improvement. Sometimes initial symptoms can be relieved more quickly than expected, and other times relief may take longer. You will be given a thorough treatment plan based on the best judgment of the practitioner.
How can I prepare for my treatment?
Come with any questions you might have. Wear loose, comfortable clothing for easy access to acupuncture points. Try to refrain from eating very large meals, being overly hungry, or engaging in very strenuous workouts just before or after treatments. It is also recommended to not use drugs or alcohol for up to 6 hours before or after the treatment. Between treatments, take note of any changes that have occurred, such as alleviation of pain, pain moving to other areas, or changes in the nature or frequency of the problem.
What can I expect after the treatment?
Most patients will notice some relief of their complaint after the treatment is over. This may last until the following morning or for a few days. It will depend on the nature of the disorder and for how long it has been present.
Generally, when the treatment is over patients feel energized or deeply relaxed.